Recently, as an incentive to eat something slightly healthier than chocolate, I decided to investigate the Graze website.
After much searching the best offer I could find was to get the 1st and 5th boxes free, so I signed up.
I have been very impressed with the quality and variety of what I have been sent so far, and the fact that you can go through all the available selections and decide which you are happy to try means you should never get anything you don't like!
Basically, all you have to do is go to their website:
and if you click on the 'have a special code? enter it here' you can use my 'friendcode' to get your 1st, 5th and 10th boxes free (I get £1 for each person that signs up which can be given to their charity).
My friend code is Y29FPNTHB - just copy and paste it into the box when prompted.
All other boxes are £3.99 delivered and you can get them as often as you like, or just order a one off box if you want to try something new.
You will need to enter payment info straight away, but if you cancel at any time, you'll still get your 1st, 5th and 10th boxes free and will only be charged for any others.
When you get your first box you will get your own friendcode which you can pass on to your friends and family.
Savoury selections
Dips and dippersNatural treatsFruit, nuts and seedsSuper seeds
Once you have logged in, each product has a rating box Bin, Try, Like, Love, Send Soon
just click on one of the options for each snack so they know what to send you.
They also do a selection of breakfast cereals, again you get 4 different selections for £3.99. I have a code for new and existing grazers to use to try a breakfast box (If you're new you're better off using the friendcode, then using this code later as you'll get your 3 free boxes aswell as the breakfast box)
At the enter special code use GZZ25CYR
You will get your next box free.
When your breakfast variety box comes you will get your own unique code to pass on to your friends.
Feel free to use the codes - I hope you enjoy your Grazebox as much as I do.